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“Scientists Finally Uncover the Secrets of Methane on Mars: A Global Perspective”

Methane Mystery on Mars: What's the Cause? In 2019, NASA's Mars rover, Curiosity, discovered methane on Mars. However, the reason for its existence and its...

Images Reveal Pizza-Moon Io’s Surface as Smooth as Glass in Certain Areas

Discovering erupting volcanoes and a lava lake that forms the perfect mirror: after an extensive analysis by NASA, it has become evident that Jupiter's...

It’s Official: We’re Sending a Drone to Explore Titan, Saturn’s Mysterious Moon

Ambitious Dragonfly Mission Gets a Green Light from NASA Finally, the momentous approval from NASA stands: The ambitious Dragonfly mission is now officially...

Do Planets Really Exist With Three Suns? Unraveling the Mystery of the ‘3-Body Problem’

In the popular Netflix series, 3 Body Problem, viewers are introduced to a planet that boasts not one but three suns - which, by...

“Hubble Space Telescope Identifies Over a Thousand New Asteroids in Main Belt: A New...

Digging Through Hubble's Photographs: The Discovery of New Asteroids Who wouldn't appreciate the chance of delving into the vast archive of images captured by the...

“NASA Reevaluates Plans to Bring Martian Samples Back to Earth”

Constraints on the Mars Sample Return Programme: High Costs and Extended Timeline The target date, 2040, is too far off and the cost, at a...

Scientists Finally Uncover the Origins of the Giant Heart Structure on Pluto

Pluto's "Heart" - The Result of an Impact Far away in our solar system on the surface of Pluto, there is a gigantic heart-shaped structure...

Wobbling Star Uncovers Heaviest Stellar Black Hole in Our Milky Way—Surprisingly Closer Than Thought

The Stellar Black Hole At 33 times heavier than our sun and located merely 2000 light-years away in the constellation of Aquila, the stellar black...

Large Asteroid Made a Surprisingly Close Approach to Earth This Week

The space rock, estimated to be between 2.3 to 5 meters in width, passed by Earth at a little more than 12,000 kilometers. This...

Unraveling the Mystery of the Nebula Where Almost Everything Was Unexpectedly Different

The nebula itself, in addition to the two stars contained within, has left astronomers awe-struck. Their characteristics are not what initially expected, yet recent...