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Artificial Intelligence


David Grusch

David Charles Grusch is a former intelligence official turned whistleblower who has recently gained significant attention and sparked intense debate within the ufology community...


James Webb Telescope Reveals Unseen Wonders in a Star-Forming Nursery

New Astronomical Discoveries by James Webb Telescope Direct Images Capture Aligned Protostellar Jets for the First Time For the first time, direct images of...

Surfing on Titan? Lakes and seas on Saturn’s moon may have waves

And these are probably strong enough to erode the shores and coastlines. Fascinating Moon Titan is undoubtedly one of Saturn's most fascinating moons. This is primarily because the moon, like Earth, has stable liquids on its...

Hubble Telescope Overcomes Issues and Captures Stunning New Photos

Hubble's Resilience: A Testament to Engineering and Persistence The recent events demonstrate that the Hubble Space Telescope is far...

Jupiter’s Famous Great Red Spot May Be Younger Than Previously Thought

Jupiter's Great Red Spot: An Ongoing Mystery Jupiter's Great Red Spot Remains a Mystery Although the immense storm, with a respectable age of 190 years, remains the longest-living...

Scientists May Have Witnessed a Black Hole Awakening for the First Time Ever

Astronomers Potentially Witness Black Hole Awakening Astronomers Potentially Witness Black Hole Awakening For the first time, astronomers might have observed the awakening of a...