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Artificial Intelligence


David Grusch

David Charles Grusch is a former intelligence official turned whistleblower who has recently gained significant attention and sparked intense debate within the ufology community...


James Webb Telescope Reveals Unexpected Findings on Well-Studied Star WL 20S

James Webb Space Telescope Discovers Binary Star System James Webb Space Telescope Reveals New Insights The James Webb Space Telescope has unveiled that WL...

New Threat to the Ozone Layer: Plummeting Satellites

The Environmental Threat of Internet Satellites Environmental Impact of Short-lived Satellites After a short lifespan of five years, satellites fall back to Earth and...

Journey to Mars So Hazardous for Kidneys That Astronauts Might Need Dialysis on the...

Bad News for Aspiring Mars Travelers: Risk of Kidney Damage For those dreaming of a trip to Mars, there's some bad news: aside from the tremendous cost and effort, it will likely take a toll...

New Study Challenges Idea of Mysterious Fast Radio Bursts Coming in Two Types

Surprising Findings on Fast Radio Bursts International Team Unveils Surprising Findings on Fast Radio Bursts An international team of researchers, including a scientist from the Netherlands, has compared...

James Webb Reveals Massive Asteroid Collision in Nearby Star System

Cosmic Collision between Giant Asteroids Observed 63 Light Years Away Cosmic Collision between Giant Asteroids Observed 63 Light Years Away Recently, a massive collision occurred between giant asteroids about 63 light years...