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“Mystery Partially Solved: The Moon Is 40 Million Years Older Than Previously Thought”

An immense object once collided straight into the young Earth. The biggest piece that detached formed our moon. But exactly when did that happen?...

Incredible Space Image: The Moon Casts a Shadow over North America

An Annular Solar Eclipse Captures Global Attention On October 14, an annular solar eclipse was visible in parts of North America. This phenomenal spectacle could...

James Webb Telescope Detects Unprecedented Phenomenon on Jupiter

Scientists have identified a powerful jet stream blowing at a speed around 320 miles per hour. This velocity is twice as fast as the...

“Unique Pulsar Discovered in a Dataset Meant to Detect Extraterrestrial Life”

Astronomers have long suspected their existence, but for the first time, they have discovered an ultra-fast microsecond flash. Interestingly, this discovery was made in...

Scientists Believe They’ve Found the Cause of the Strongest Marsquake Ever (And It’s Rather...

Mars Encounter with Massive Internal Tectonic Movement The record-breaking seismic event experienced on Mars most likely did not result from a meteorite impact, but rather...

Scientists Discover Airborne Metals (You’ll Never Guess their Origin)

Findings in the Stratosphere Researchers have made remarkable and initially mysterious discoveries more than 11 kilometers above the Earth's surface: they have stumbled across various...

The Local Group: How Our Milky Way’s Neighborhood Mirrors Your Own Local Area Surprisingly...

Understanding the Local Group At Scientias, references are frequently made to the Local Group. But what really is this? The Local Group is essentially an...

James Webb Telescope Uncovers Largest Star-Forming Region in Milky Way’s Satellite System

The Breathtaking Photography of the James Webb Telescope The James Webb Telescope's phenomenal image capturing continues. Astonishingly, the space telescope recently photographed the largest region...

Paving the Moon? No Problem, Scientists Prove it’s Possible

Building Roads on the Moon Could Be as Simple as Using a Lens and Some Sunlight All it takes is a sufficiently large lens and...

Scientists Discover Carbon and Water in First-Ever Analysis of Space Dust: An Exciting Breakthrough

A hint of life There seems to be a subtle suggestion that the dust, and by extension the asteroid from which it originated, may contain...