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A Brush with Luck: Space Probe Swings Past Pizza-Moon Io, Possibly Witnessing Twin Volcanic...

Juno: A Close Encounter with Jupiter's Moon, Io Recently, for the second time in quick succession, the space probe Juno swept past Io, one of...

Astronomers Discover New ‘Super Earth’ That Could Potentially Support Life

A New 'Super-Earth' Discovery: Hope for Extraterrestrial Life? There is an exciting new discovery within the astronomy sphere - a 'super-Earth' located in what is...

Hubble Discovers Our Galactic Neighbour: Meet ESO 174-1

The space photo of the week presents a fascinating capture of the irregular galaxy ESO 174-1, one of the Milky Way's nearest cosmic neighbors....

Astronauts to 3D Print Metal in Space for the First Time

3D Metal Printing Taking Place in Space The concept of 3D printing with metal already sizzles with excitement, but the European Space Agency (ESA) has...

Scientists Discover Eighteen Snacking Black Holes in the Nearby Universe

Ever-Present Hungry Black Holes Scientists have discovered a ubiquitous presence of 18 black holes that are in the process of devouring a star. This discovery...

Introducing the ‘Ancient Smoker’: A Novel Star Type Discovered in Our Own Milky Way

The somewhat elusive object lurking at the heart of our Milky Way can remain tranquil for decades at a time, almost invisible, before suddenly...

Breathtaking Views: James Webb Captures the Arms of 19 Spiral Galaxies

Marveling at the Diversity of Spiral Galaxies Through the James Webb Space Telescope Just as every individual is unique, so are spiral galaxies. The James...

Our Moon is Shrinking, and this Could Pose a Problem for Future Human Missions

Moon Shrinkage and its Consequences The phenomenon of the moon shrinking results in authentic 'moonquakes' and forms fractures. This occurs notably in the regions anticipated...

“One Week in Bed Can Trigger Early Signs of Type 2 Diabetes: What You...

New Insights into the Origin of Diabetes A fresh study on the impacts of weightlessness in space offers new insights into the genesis of diabetes. Astronauts...

No Italian Ice, But Martian Ice: Discover the Crater Where You Can Lick Endlessly

The Intriguing Story Behind the Icy Korolev Crater on Mars The Korolev crater, found on the surface of Mars, remains filled throughout the year –...